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I’m new to Légère, what reed should I buy? (Double Reeds)

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Légère produces bassoon and oboe reeds in a variety of strengths. This is to accommodate most skill levels and playing styles.


We are proud to offer Medium-Soft, Medium and Medium-Hard European Scrape Oboe reeds. The Medium-Soft (MS) reed is the perfect choice for beginners, younger students or players with a relaxed embouchure. This cut is also great for players who are used to the American scrape. While the American Scrape reed is currently being worked on, we recommend trying the Medium Soft European Scrape in the meantime.
Most intermediate to advanced players should feel comfortable using the Medium strength reed. The Medium-Hard (MH), the original oboe reed, should be reserved for advanced individuals who are used to a stiffer embouchure or prefer a firmer reed.


Bassoon reeds come in Medium and Medium-Hard strengths. Most intermediate to advanced players should feel comfortable using the Medium strength reed. The Medium-Hard strength should be reserved for advanced players who are used to a stiffer embouchure or prefer a firmer reed.

Please note strength choice is subjective and differs greatly by player. These are mere suggestions to hopefully facilitate your decision. Double reeds are not eligible for our Exchange of Strength program and exchanges or refunds will be reviewed on a case by case basis.